Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A meeting of the Minds

We met with the neuro surgeon today.  She was surprised and happy to see her patient doing so well.  We talked about options for treatment going forward and what it will look like as we move forward with recovery.

Lindsey will have another four vessel angiogram the week of Sept 13.  They will be looking at the area where she had the malformation and bleeding, then making decisions as to treatment.  We are still praying that a clot has or will form by itself, and that no further treatment will be needed.  If the vessels have opened up a little better, they might be able to put some sort of glue-like substance up there to plug things up and seal it all off.  If the vessels have not opened any more, and it has not clotted on it's own, radiation will be the next best option.  They will use several beams of low-dose radiation that will cross right at the spot of the bleed (crossing the streams like the Ghost Busters).  This will cause scarring and eventually those vessels will die off and sort of seal up.  It takes a year for that process to take full effect, and she wouldn't want to lift anything heavy, get pregnant, or do anything that might cause a rise in blood pressure. 

The doctor seemed confident that regardless of the treatment method, the chance of re-bleeding when all is said and done is near zero.  That is good news. 

Another bit of good news was, as many of you may have already noted, Lindsey was able to read all her Facebook messages.  When we left the hospital just inder a week ago, she was not really able to read well, and had a difficult time processing those words.  That has dramatically improved.  Her choice of words as she speaks continues to improve as well, and things are looking good for her speech recovery. 

We are super grateful to our Heavenly Father for the constant miracles we are seeing.  We know that our prayers, along with all of yours, are being answered.  We truly are experiencing one of the greatest gifts that God can give to man: the gift of witnessing and recognizing a miracle.  We are grateful for your continued prayers on our behalf, and we are praying in gratitude for all of you!


  1. So awesome that Lindsey is doing so well...I am glad she has such a great support system and a wonderful Husband too. You are all so wonderful and I will continue to send my well wishes and prayers :-)

  2. Hi Arron! I'm Jane's Uncle, Lelands brother! Through Amy have followed what has happened to Lindsey, and through your posts on here and just want you to know that my prayers have been with her and so glad that things are looking up for her! Facebook is good for a lot of things and is so good to keep up on family! My best to Lindsey, you and your daughter! Thanks for your updates and look forward to following Lindsey's progress! Jerry Bowen from American Fork, Utah

  3. I am so happy things are getting better!! I still think of you guys often! And I had to laugh at the Ghostbusters comment ;o)
