Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lindsey (Counting the Miracles)

Many of you already know how amazing my wife is.  For those of you who do not, I feel bad.  She's talented and beautiful.  She's compassionate, caring, loving, smart, witty, sassy, cool, and absolutely the most wonderful person I know.

Sunday we had a bit of an emergency that landed us in St. Alphonsus in Boise.  Sunday afternoon, she complained of a slight headache as we were about to leave for church.  She said she didn't need any Tylenol when asked, and assured me she would be fine.  We got to church a few minutes late and had to sit in the very back of the gym.  As we sat, Riley played around us at our feet, Lindsey made her a bottle, and scratched my back.  She still had a headache, and asked that I rub her neck a little bit after she scratched my back.  I massaged her neck for a couple of minutes, but she alerted me to Riley escaping toward a lady sitting further down our row.  I went to get her, and when I sat back down near Lindsey, she leaned over and said something that didn't make any sense.  I asked her to repeat it, looking at her face, and she still didn't make any sense.  I noticed that the right side of her face was sagging a little bit.  I asked her if she was okay, and she said she might need to go home, but wasn't sure she could drive.  I told her we were going to get her to the ER at West Valley (Only 2 miles away - miracle #1) and off we went. 

In a whirlwind of grabbing and moving, I got Riley, my scriptures and EQ Secretary binder in one arm, and the baby bag on the other with Lindsey leaning on me for assistance.  She had strength in her legs (miracle #2) as we left, but was unsteady.  We got to the hospital, and I was unsure how I'd get Riley and her into the ER.  I pulled into a parking space and there was a pleasant looking lady and a man (miracle #3)standing just near where I parked.  I asked if she would please watch my baby in the car, that I'd leave it on with the AC running, and be back in just a minute.  I could only plan on getting Lindsey checked in, then coming back out.  She offered to bring Riley in for me, and did so (she held her for a few minutes as we got checked in).  Riley was actually pretty bummed when I took her back.

They did a CT at West Valley after taking Lindsey's vitals.  She had become increasingly unresponsive since we got to the ER.  They discovered that she had some blood vessels rupture, causing a brian aneurism.  They decided to move her by ambulance to St. Al's in Boise. I could see in her eyes, though, that she was concious of what was happening and afraid. 

I have never been so heartbroken and afraid in my life either.  I prayed that the Lord would not leave me alone.  I was shocked and in disbelief.

My father in-law, Mike Ransley, was there minutes after I called.  He's a nurse at West Valley, and knew the way well.  He got there just as the nurse came out and told us she had some bleeding in her brain and would need to be transported.  We were both nearly coming unglued.  We were able to give her a blessing before they put her in the ambulance (then we actually beat the ambulance here).

Lindsey was in better shape when they unloaded her from the ambulance than she was when they had loaded her in.  That was encouraging.  She recognized me the whole time.  They took her directly into the ICU and she spent 2 days there. They discovered she had a congenital malformation that caused the rupture.  It was only a matter of time before it was to blow, and we were lucky it was as small as it was, and that it happened when it did (while we were together and she wasn't driving or anything - miracles #4 and #5).

She was cofused and anxious the first day.  She wasn't able to comprehend all that happened.  But she has hinted that she understands now.  She knows where she is and that she's surrounded by love.  She recognizes most people, but sometimes has a hard time communicating.  Some of the wires are still crossed in her head since there's excess blood and swelling.  She now continuing to recover in the neuro unit. 

She's improving daily... even hourly.  Most of her right side has good strength, but little fine motor control.  That will be back with time.  We will be in neuro for a couple of days, then inpatient rehab for a couple more days or a week. 

We just have felt overwhelmed with love and support from all of you.  We appreciate your prayers, well wishes, sincerity, and offers for help and support.  Please keep praying for us.  Lindsey is doing well.  She's a fighter, and will be back on her feet in no time!  Each one of you is a miracle to us.  Please give your loved ones a hug and a kiss.  It sounds super cliche, but you never realize just how much they mean to you until you almost lose them.  Again, we feel like we have the best family and friends in the world.  They say that in these situations, you find out who your friends are.  I can say with confidence that we have no shortage of good friends.  We love you and pray for you as well. 


  1. Aaron!I saw on facebook the Lindsey was in trouble but wasn't sure of the details! I am so sorry I can't begin to imagine how terrifying this has been for all of you. I have been praying and praying and praying for all of you! Hang in there and please please let me know if I can do anything big or small to help.

  2. aaron . . . i am so happy to read this encouraging report. my mom called me immediately after talking to your dad sunday night. please know that you, lindsey, and your family have been in EVERY SINGLE one of me and my husband's prayers since. prayer really does change things, huh? i'm all about the cliche. they are always so true :) i will for sure forward this on to my folks and sisters . . . we've all been wondering how she is doing. hugs to you, friend!

  3. i am glad to hear that things are looking up. lots of love and prayers headed your way.

  4. Aaron, Yes, you are blessed with a wonderful family, in-laws and friends that all love you so much. You, Lindsey and Riley are in all our prayers. Miracles 6 and 7 are just around the corner! Tell Lindsey we have quilts to tie! Stay strong my friend! Love, Pam and Larry

  5. Wow! What a series of miracles. Heavenly Father was truly looking out for you both in many ways. My mom suffered a severe stroke almost 2 years ago so Jeff and I know the roller coaster of emotions you may be experiencing. We also know too well the many challenges that will happen once she is home. You will look back on these posts and be thankful that you documented how you felt and what was going on. You will also be able to feel the many prayers in a magnified fashion. Prayer is an awesome thing. We will be praying for you and Lindsey. I have not stopped thinking about her since I found out. Jeff and Kristi Miller from the ward

  6. Aaron and Lindsey,

    Miracles happen everyday, but not everyone has the eyes like you do to see them. Your ability to see Heavenly Father's hand in this will continue to be a blessing and support for your family. They are lucky to have you.

    I am so so glad to read this update and to know that things are looking up for Lindsey. We will continue to pray for her and your family. Though I've yet to met your wife, the Bateens are love love loved by the Bigelows, so that includes your wife, too!

    Lisa-Marie Bigelow Jensen

  7. We have been so worried and can't stop thinking about you guys. I think the temple is sick of me calling in your names. I am so glad to hear how heavenly father is blessing you and answering everyones prayers. Let us know when we can bring over food or take Riley for a while... anything to help!

  8. Aaron--Just know that you and Lindsey are both in our prayers and if you need anything (picking up your mail, mowing your lawn, etc.) we are here and we love you both.

  9. we're praying for you aaron!

  10. Hey Aaron, you and your wife and baby will be in my prayers and I'll be sending you all strength! I hope your wife is home happy and healthy soon!

  11. My eyes are wet my heart is full as I say a little prayer...I am thinking of you guys! You guys were there for me, so if you need ANYTHING you let me know!
